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Feb 3, 2025

Help us continue to grow in our 50th year! The Sharon Community Garden is a passive recreation group that serves over 85 families at capacity, with members ranging in age from teens to senior citizens. We sponsor High School clubs, Eagle Scouts, home-school learners, and gardeners with limited mobility. Families with young children and seniors in their 90s are active members. There are few such inclusive recreation opportunities in town. We have been active members of the Sharon landscape for 50 years and growing. Please keep the garden a vibrant member of Sharon's offerings to the town by supporting our continuing existence on town land.



Year of Growing

Make Your Plot Like A Garden

In recent years, community gardens have been sprouting up across the nation, with their popularity growing year by year. Community gardens provide essential services for local communities, and have even been used to promote resilience during the pandemic. It is a form of urban gardening, these gardens are recognized as healthy additions to communities, and provide a wealth of benefits for gardeners and the broader community as a whole. They provide opportunities for both recreational gardening and food production, in underutilized spaces.

Healthy LifeStyle

Community gardening may address chronic and non-communicable disease through the provision of opportunities for physical activity, improved nutrition and reduced stress.


Participation in the gardening activities may improve wellbeing through increased social contact, culturally valued activities and mitigation of food poverty


Happy Families


Total Plots


Dedicated Community


Clean Environment

Why Choosing To Grow!

Few Reasons Why Families Grow Here!

1. Beautifying the Landscape

2. Making Fresh Produce Accessible

3. Promoting Healthier Lifestyles

4. Cleaning up the Environment

5. Building Stronger Communities

6. Opportunities for Learning

7. Relieving Stress and Increasing Wellness

100% Satisfaction

Dedicated Happiness

Enjoy Nature